ABC Policy


elite defence academy international policy


Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy Statement:

Elite Defence Academy International is a training group comprised of networked service providers, individuals, and affiliates, who provide training services using our systems, intellectual property, brand, and resources.

As a matter of strict standard practice, we do not accept or offer bribes or improper inducements. We also do not engage indirectly in or otherwise encourage bribery or any other form of corruption.

We require that all persons or entities acting either within our direct oversight, on our behalf, or in any way within the ambit of our brand and associated brands, comply with our policies regarding the prevention of bribery or improper inducements for any services whatsoever.

Corrupt practices include but are not limited to:

• Payments of money to or from any third party as a means to to facilitate business transactions

• Rebates, kickbacks, or overpayments provided in return for preferential or dishonestly facilitated business procurement or transactions

• Irregular use of assets or resources to induce, procure, or provide business services

• Gifts or entertainment provided so as to induce irregular or dishonestly conducted business dealings

• Political contributions, sponsorships, or investments that are entered into in return for preferential consideration or profit.

Elite Defence Academy International subscribes to fair and honest free market business practices, and we reserve the right to withdraw and disassociate from any person, party, business entity, service provider, or client found to be in contravention of this policy, without prejudice to our rights or rights of recourse in such a case.